
  • Ficus Wire Training

    Ficus Wire Training

    This looks like a proper bonsai! I’m quite happy with this project I put together while bored during the week of ice. I had this ficus growing in a pot without giving it much attention for a couple months now. I had planned on putting it in my waterfall penjing, but thought it was too…

  • Urbanite Penjing Park

    Urbanite Penjing Park

    It’s incredible what you can do with a sudden burst of inspiration! This past Thursday, I came home from work, took a step out onto the porch to view my garden, and saw the broken pieces of concrete that used to be in the bottom of a pot in which I grew cannabis. I also…

  • Foraging for Seeds

    Foraging for Seeds

    Roaming my neighborhood to look for the rocks and moss was one of the most enjoyable experiences of the first penjing project I made, so this time I wanted to step up my game and do a proper fall foraging! I took a stroll around my neighborhood, armed with a plastic bin and a putty…

Other ways to explore…

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